About Us
Mission and Vision
The European Association of Space Technology Research Organisations (EASTRO) AISBL was founded by 15 Institutes from 11 European countries as a Belgian not for profit international association in February, 2023 as a spin-off from the EARTO (earto.eu) Space working group. The association represents Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) with Space activities in Europe towards the ESA, the European Commission and other major Institutional and Industrial stakeholders in Europe and the World.
The parent RTO Institutes have more than 65,000 employees, with a combined turnover of more than 7,000 M€, of which Space R&I projects involve more than 3,000 scientists, engineers and annual research budgets exceeding 250 M€.
EASTRO members contribute to all areas of space in Europe, from advanced structures, satellite sub-systems and instruments to quantum technologies and the utilisation of remote sensing data for climate change analysis with the objective to create innovations with impact on societal goals with economic impact.
EASTRO has been founded by 15 RTO’s based in 11 European countries
EASTRO has an Executive Board consisting of six Directors appointed by the members according to the association statuses.
Each member has a representative on the association General Assembly.
Executive Board
(2023 – 2026)

A. Court

A. vd Bosch
Vice President

D. Fraboulet
Vice President / Treasurer

U. Johann
EB Member for Legal Matters

N. Rocha
EB Member for ESA Matters

G. Danos
EB Member for Communication